Mar 31, 2012


For all of you who prayed and keep praying about Snezhana - new good news. She is much better now, her lungs are OK. Still needs to take some medications.

But... she is coming back home next week. So she will be at home for Easter.

We still need your prayers because Snezhana needs a lot of care but God is good, she is healthy now as much as possible.

Thank you who support financially her treatment very much.

There is Snezhana and her foster mom Nadya

Mar 21, 2012

Alabama team

Well. God really blessed us with a perfect weather. Unusual!!! So they had good time working outside - around the house and garden. We planted more onion, garlic, deal, parsley and radish.

They cleaned all chicken cubes, painted and put new wood chips. Tomorrow new baby chickens are coming. Home is ready :)

At first Step team put a new door, put new linoleum, painted celling, windows, doors and a room.

Yesterday they took a train to go to Kremidovka Crossroad Club to serve our kids there.

Thank you  guys to make our life here easier!!!!

Mar 19, 2012

Team from Alabama

First day for our friends from Alabama. They worked really hard at Hope House and First Step Center. They planted a lot of tomatoes, pepper and eggplants. Cleaned and painted two chickens cubes.  Used rout tiller to prepare garden for a season. Killed some old chickens.  Painted windows and doors. Bought new linoleum to lay down tomorrow.

Not bad for a one day!!! And.... they already had so much fun!!!

Mar 18, 2012

New season for teams

Today we opened a new 2012 season for teams to come.  Team of 20 college students with some adults from Alabama came to visit and help our work here at hope House and First Step.

There is a picture of them. So happy! So if you want your team to come - just let us know!!!

Mar 13, 2012

Vika's graduation

Today one of our Hope House girl – Vika graduated first level of her college. Now she needs to work for 6 month and then keep studying more harder. She is a hairdresser. She found a job and her diploma has all A and only some B. 

So if you need a good haircut – welcome to Ukraine!!!

Mar 10, 2012

Ready for construction

Well. It looks winter is over. Spring is coming. So soon it will be a time to start to built new house for 15 girls. People are ready. We got almost all material we need to start. Architect is ready to present us final version of the house. Papers finished.

So, we are so exited to start. And we are waiting for people who can do something to help with this construction. If you know how to build and have time to help - please let us know. If you want to support this new project financially or by your prayer - we will be happy to hear about this.

All our contacts you will find at contact us page. Or call toll free to Canadian office - (877) 482 1499