Aug 18, 2014

Sergiy and Olga family

Today I want to thank God for the blessed family I know. My friend Sergiy (who was interpreter at Hope House many times) and his wife Olga adopted two wonderful kids - Philip and Sophia.

May God bless you and your family!!! Praise God for you!!!

Aug 11, 2014

Urgent prayer and support request!!!

I just came back from the hospital. Ira was brought there yesterday with a big pain. Big stone at her kidney. Tomorrow at 8 am will be operation. She needs your prayers and we need to find $450 for the operation as well.

So if you are willing to help - please support Ira trough World Hope Canada (just add information -  support for Ira's operation).

Thank you!!!!

More pictures about our hospital here

Aug 4, 2014

Albina and Inna baptism

Two more daughters decided to spend their lives with Jesus. So wright decision in our uncertine time. Also Kolya (Snezanna's fiance) was baptized. What a wonderful day!